domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010

Exposition ; FOUR ELEMENTS CONVERGENCY -Kiama-Australia

Exposition ; FOUR ELEMENTS CONVERGENCY  -Kiama-Australia

Four Elements Convergency

Artists, Anton Olea (Painter), Federico F. Mendoza (Experimental Mixed Media) and Marisol Jaque (Ceramist) explore aspects of collaboration between the creators and the four elements of Mother Nature. They focus on the relationship between creativity, philosophy, personal identity and commonality.
The artists capture the basis of the four elements in their artworks and demonstrate different connections, experiences, traditions and perspectives at a collective and individual level.

The exhibition will be open from the 1st – 7th June at Kiama Community Arts Centre.

Special Opening Ceremony:
5th June, 5pm – 9pm

Anton Olea (Painter)
As a surrealist visual artist, Anton explores the traditional and contemporary mechanisms of society and where the four elements of Mother Nature are embedded into the human life. Anton’s paintings contain mixed media, oil and acrylic substances, expressing a human dependence on technology, but also a defensive stance towards the unconscious expressions and personal sensitivity filled with dreams and hopefulness.

Federico F. Mendoza (Experimental Mixed Media)
Federico chose the difficult path of expressionism; ambivalent and experimental works where the four elements are represented crossing opposites and transitions. He explores the different parodies and ironies with some critical surroundings and social realities. His imaginative works are situated in the constant balance between order and chaos.

Marisol Jaque (Ceramist)
Marisol moves originality through a path between traditional techniques of ceramic arts and personal creativity. As a ceramist, she travels through the four elements , forcing the expression of creativity and its form within her works.

The Old Fire Station Community Arts Centre is located at the corner of Terralong & Shoalhaven Streets,

Kiama Old Kiama Fire Station Community Arts Centre

Kiama - South coast , nsw

..." The name Kiama is from the aboriginal word Kiaram-a, to which some sources give the meaning "Where the sea makes a noise" as reference to the famous Kiama Blowhole..."
Kiama Tourism &Visitor Information Centre

 Magnifient  Sea Lancadpe at KIAMA

Exposition ; FOUR ELEMENTS CONVERGENCY  -Kiama-Australia

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

ZALZALA Sydney Writers' Festival Auburn Poets and Writers Event - 2010

Sydney Writers’ Festival 2010
Zalzala: Inner Quakes and After Shocks

The Earth Quakes. Listen as Auburn Poets and Writers Group goes under the skin of culture shock.

Cultures within cultures ? intersexions of body and soulful words, dislocations of place and inner languages, a collidescope of climate changes in the whether.

Tremors of the heart. A collaborative multilingual spoken-word performance, creating rhythms and linkages between the experience of change in culture and climate.

Presented by Auburn Poets and Writers Group.

Tuesday, May 18 2010
18:30 - 20:30

Peacock Gallery, Auburn Botanic Gardens
Auburn Botanic Gardens
Corner of Chiswick and Chisholm Roads

Auburn Poets and Writers Group (Australian)
Auburn Poets and Writers Group has been creating an open and dynamic space for a diversity of writers since 2005. Since 2006, APWG has performed annually at SWF, and in 2008 published ‘Auburn Letters’.

Featuring Alissar Chidiac, Ann Jarjoura, Bhagavadas Sriskanthadas, Bill (Willem) Tibben, Danny Gardner, Gina Wilson, Homayoun Tavakoli, Melissa Paris, Nashaa Hamody Abdul-Hassan, Nur J Alam, Rima Najm and Ten Ch’in U.